22 research outputs found

    Study of the Effect of Laser on the Structural and Electrical Properties of the Compound Bi2-(x+y)CdyAgx Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ Superconductor at High Temperatures

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    في هذه الدراسة تم تحضير عينات المركب (Bi2-(x+y)CdyAgx Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ) وعند تراكيز مختلفة ل x حيث (x=0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4) وباستخدام طريقة تفاعل الحالة الصلبة وتحت ضغط هيدروستاتيكي (8ton/cm2) وعند درجة حرارة تلدين (850 C) , ومعرفة تأثير الليزر على الخواص التركيبية والكهربائية للمركب الفائق التوصيل الكهربائي. لوحظ عند فحص تحت حيود الاشعة السينية (XRD) تبين ان افضل نسبة تعويض لx هي 0.3 حيث ان قيمة a=b=5.3799(A), c=36.22(A) حيث تبين ان التركيب من النوع الرباعي القائم.This study included the preparation of composite samples (Bi2-(x+y)CdyAgx Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ  )by solid state reaction method and under hydro static pressure (8ton/cm2) interaction and annealing temperature   (850 C) also determine the effect of the laser on the structural and electrical properties in the compound in various concentrations of x where x=(0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4) observed by examining the XRD , the best ration of cooperation for (x) is 0.3 as the value of a=b=5.3799(A) , c=36.22(A) showed that the installation of tetragonal structure

    The Contribution of Internal Audit to the Improvement of Internal Control System

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    In order to be more flexible in a perpetual mutational environment and face up to damaging effects of an economic situation in strong growth, organizations have to acquire efficient management tools allowing them to accomplish their objectives and to protect themselves against inherent risks. The implementation of an internal control system is considered to be the guarantor of an invincible organizational system and a means of control of risky operations. However, an applied and well conceived internal control provides the organization just a reasonable and not an absolute insurance about its objectives realization and sustainability. It is the reason for which an upper level control, accomplished by the internal audit function, seems to be a palliative to the internal control deficiencies, and a means of supervising and evaluating the application of procedures and internal control rules. Thus, this research aims at demonstrating how internal audit can participate to the improvement of internal control system. In this context, we have introduced a qualitative study, which was based on a sample of 10 Moroccan publicly traded companies that operate in many industries. Through the interviews conducted with this sample, we had identified firstly, the different control levels within organizations, and their degree of effectiveness and their capacity to face up risks as well as the limits of each type of control. Secondly, this research explored that internal audit is considered as a response to the insufficiencies of different lower control levels, and a means of monitoring and piloting the effectiveness of internal control system, across notably the recommendations provided

    Packet Loss Rate Differentiation in slotted Optical Packet Switching OCDM/WDM

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    We propose a multi-class mechanism for Optical Code Division Multiplexing (OCDM), Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) Optical Packet Switch (OPS) architecture capable of supporting Quality of Service (QoS) transmission. OCDM/WDM has been proposed as a competitive hybrid switching technology to support the next generation optical Internet. This paper addresses performance issues in the slotted OPS networks and proposed four differentiation schemes to support Quality of Service. In addition, we present a comparison between the proposed schemes as well as, a simulation scheduler design which can be suitable for the core switch node in OPS networks. Using software simulations the performance of our algorithm in terms of losing probability, the packet delay, and scalability is evaluated

    Les Déterminants de l’Indépendance De l’Auditeur

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    The financial failures and economic crisis that took place in many nations of the world didn’t exclude Morocco from countries that must reinforce governance mechanisms so as to be more performant. In fact, the effort must focus not only on the creation of governing authorities inside organizations, but also by preparing a good framework enabling them to exercise their role in the best conditions of impartiality and independence. It’s through this vision that this article attempts to present conspicuously the measures that have to be taken into consideration for more realistic independence of two governing authorities, namely, the internal audit and legal audit

    The effect of progressive muscle relaxation (P.M.R.) and mind relaxation into level of stress among student UNIMAS

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    This research aims to study about effect of progressive muscle and mind relaxation into level of stress among student in Faculty Science Cognitive Human Development. The main target of participant is student in department FCSHD and their number 212. Twenty participants randomly choose which 5 female and 15 is male from student FCSHD Unimas. All respondent are from third year. There were 12 Malay respondents and 8 Bumiputra such as Iban, Melanau and Bidayuh race respondent. Simple t – test has designed to evaluate hypotheses about group in level of differences in outcomes means to say the one – sample t – test in which the level of outcome for a group is compared to a known standard. The result was found that there is significant differences of stress level between before and after P.M.R technique. It also showed that there is significant differences between treat and anxiety inventory before and after P.M.R technique. Then for the mind relaxation the result found that there is significant relationship of stress level between before and after mind relaxation technique and also there is significant differences between trait and state anxiety inventory before and after mind technique

    Bidragande faktorer till psykisk ohälsa hos ensamkommande barn : En litteraturstudie

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    Background: Refugees have existed throughout human history, but in recent times it has become morecommon for children without adult company to arrive at Europe's borders. Most children who have arrived in Sweden in recent years have a background in Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Eritrea. In 2015 a record number came to Sweden when 35,369 unaccompanied children arrived. During the influx of refugees between 2015 and 2016, an estimated 170,000 children and young people came to Europe's borders and applied for asylum. Aim: Describe contributing factors to mental health problems among unaccompanied refugee children. Method: The purpose of the study is answered with a literature review with a qualitative approach based on 11 scientific articles taken from PubMed and CINAHL. Results: Four themes were identified: Traumatic experiences, Migration process, Agedetermination and Gender. The predominant factors that contributed to mental health problems among the children turned out to be traumatic experiences before and during the migration as well as the protracted migration process. Conclusion: The results of this literature study showed that unaccompanied refugee children have experienced various traumatic events before and during the migration process and face adversity and difficulties in the new country.Bakgrund: Flyktingar har funnits genom mänsklighetens historia men på senare tid har det blivit vanligare att barn utan vuxet sällskap anländer till Europas gränser. De flesta barn som har anlänt till Sverige i de senaste åren har bakgrund i Somalia, Irak, Syrien, Afghanistan och Eritrea. Under 2015 kom det rekordmånga till Sverige när det anlände 35 369 ensamkommande barn. Under flyktingströmmen mellan 2015 och 2016 kom det uppskattningsvis 170 000 barn och unga till Europasgränser och ansökte om asyl. Syfte: Beskriva faktorer som kan bidra till psykisk ohälsa bland ensamkommande barn. Metod: Studiens syfte besvaras med en litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats som grundades på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar som hämtades från PubMed samt CINAHL. Resultat: Fyra teman identifierades: Traumatiska upplevelser, Migrationsprocessen, Åldersbedömning och Genus. De övervägande faktorerna som bidrog till psykisk ohälsa bland barnen visade sig vara traumatiska upplevelser innan och under migrationen samt den utdragna migrationsprocessen. Slutsats: Resultatet i denna litteraturstudie visade att ensamkommande flyktingbarn har varit med om olika traumatiska händelser innan och under migrationens gång samt bemöter motgångar och svårigheter i det nya landet. Alla dessa faktorer bidrar till högre risk för att utveckla psykiska problem

    Bidragande faktorer till psykisk ohälsa hos ensamkommande barn : En litteraturstudie

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    Background: Refugees have existed throughout human history, but in recent times it has become morecommon for children without adult company to arrive at Europe's borders. Most children who have arrived in Sweden in recent years have a background in Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Eritrea. In 2015 a record number came to Sweden when 35,369 unaccompanied children arrived. During the influx of refugees between 2015 and 2016, an estimated 170,000 children and young people came to Europe's borders and applied for asylum. Aim: Describe contributing factors to mental health problems among unaccompanied refugee children. Method: The purpose of the study is answered with a literature review with a qualitative approach based on 11 scientific articles taken from PubMed and CINAHL. Results: Four themes were identified: Traumatic experiences, Migration process, Agedetermination and Gender. The predominant factors that contributed to mental health problems among the children turned out to be traumatic experiences before and during the migration as well as the protracted migration process. Conclusion: The results of this literature study showed that unaccompanied refugee children have experienced various traumatic events before and during the migration process and face adversity and difficulties in the new country.Bakgrund: Flyktingar har funnits genom mänsklighetens historia men på senare tid har det blivit vanligare att barn utan vuxet sällskap anländer till Europas gränser. De flesta barn som har anlänt till Sverige i de senaste åren har bakgrund i Somalia, Irak, Syrien, Afghanistan och Eritrea. Under 2015 kom det rekordmånga till Sverige när det anlände 35 369 ensamkommande barn. Under flyktingströmmen mellan 2015 och 2016 kom det uppskattningsvis 170 000 barn och unga till Europasgränser och ansökte om asyl. Syfte: Beskriva faktorer som kan bidra till psykisk ohälsa bland ensamkommande barn. Metod: Studiens syfte besvaras med en litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats som grundades på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar som hämtades från PubMed samt CINAHL. Resultat: Fyra teman identifierades: Traumatiska upplevelser, Migrationsprocessen, Åldersbedömning och Genus. De övervägande faktorerna som bidrog till psykisk ohälsa bland barnen visade sig vara traumatiska upplevelser innan och under migrationen samt den utdragna migrationsprocessen. Slutsats: Resultatet i denna litteraturstudie visade att ensamkommande flyktingbarn har varit med om olika traumatiska händelser innan och under migrationens gång samt bemöter motgångar och svårigheter i det nya landet. Alla dessa faktorer bidrar till högre risk för att utveckla psykiska problem

    Dimensions of Phenomenology in Exploring Patient’s Suffering in Long-Life Illnesses

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    Background: Patients’ suffering has been increasingly investigated by health-care researchers especially in the chronically ill. Suffering is viewed as a progressive negative consequence that associated with pain, impaired self-esteem, and social alienation. This qualitative evidence synthesis aimed to provide further insights into the application of phenomenology in explaining suffering among patients with chronic illnesses. Methods: Studies included in this qualitative evidence synthesis study were retrieved by searching from the following electronic databases: CINAHL, PubMed Central, and EBSCO. Findings: Phenomenology is regarded as influential to generate in-depth evidence about suffering that are grounded in chronically ill patients’ perspectives. The philosophical constructs of suffering suggested fundamental dimensions such as stress, distress, hopelessness, and depression along with pain. Evidence encompasses the entire manifestation of suffering in which all interrelated meanings are understood and referred to a unique structure. Hermeneutic phenomenology was adopted as an effective strategy to elucidate human experience leading to the discovery of the embedded meanings of life experience. Conclusion: The phenomenological approach provides nursing research with the pathway to explore patients’ suffering experiences in the chronically ill

    Hydrological Analysis of Batu Dam, Malaysia in the Urban Area: Flood and Failure Analysis Preparing for Climate Change

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    Extensive hydrological analysis is carried out to estimate floods for the Batu Dam, a hydropower dam located in the urban area upstream of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The study demonstrates the operational state and reliability of the dam structure based on hydrologic assessment of the dam. The surrounding area is affected by heavy rainfall and climate change every year, which increases the probability of flooding and threatens a dense population downstream of the dam. This study evaluates the adequacy of dam spillways by considering the latest Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) and Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) values of the concerned dams. In this study, the PMP estimations are applied using comparison of both statistical method by Hershfield and National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) Envelope Curve as input for PMF establishments. Since the PMF is derived from the PMP values, the highest design flood standard can be applied to any dam, ensuring inflow into the reservoirs and limiting the risk of dam structural failure. Hydrologic modeling using HEC-HMS provides PMF values for the Batu dam. Based on the results, Batu Dam is found to have 200.6 m3/s spillway discharge capacities. Under PMF conditions, the Batu dam will not face overtopping since the peak outflow of the reservoir level is still below the crest level of the dam